Issue: Having Trouble With Ledger Live 2.0.0

Ahmad Sage
4 min readJan 3, 2021


Most of the Ledger Live issues can be resolved by updating the Ledger Live application. This is the case even when having issues with the Ledger Live version that is currently running. Whether this is the latest version or not you will need to re-install and install the version you want.

In this tutorial, we will assume that the version you want to install is 2.0.0. Below are the steps you need to follow to uninstall and re-install Ledger Live. This should hopefully get you sorted.

1) Uninstall Ledger Live

Uninstalling is easy. You just need to locate the Ledger Live application and remove it like you would remove any other app from your system. We will assume you are familiar with doing this, so we won’t cover it here.

2) Install Ledger Live 2.0.0

Make sure you are using the latest version of Ledger Live.

The installation step is a little more tedious but it is simple to do.

Step 1: Download the appropriate version of Ledger Live for your system.

Step 2: You will be promoted with a welcoming message from Ledger after you download and install the software.

You can click the blue button towards the bottom of the page that says “Get started” to start the process. See the image below.

Step 3: You will now see four different options that read Initialize a new Ledger Device, Restore a Ledger Device, Use a device already initialized, and Do not have a Ledger Device yet.

Since we are learning how to install the Ledger Live for the first time, we will click “Use a device already initialized” because we have a device and are ready to go.

Step 4: Now, we will be prompted to select the device that you currently have, and then click continue, which is found on the bottom right of the screen in a blue button that says, “Continue.”

Step 5: You will now need to agree to some security checklists, and then click “Check now” to test your Ledger Device.

It’s recommended that you buy your Ledger device directly through the original site and not through third parties who might be selling devices that were tampered with before selling to you.

Step 6: On the next screen, you will see that the “Allow Ledger Manager on your device” has a spinning icon next to it. To continue, accept the display message on the Ledger device.

Step 7: You will now have an optional “Password Lock.” It is always recommended to create as it will prevent someone from easily accessing your live data. It would be best if you created a password that is not easy to guess and save the password on paper backups that are hidden away.

Step 8: Optional section that allows you to give analytical and technical data to Ledger in the event of a bug. You can choose to accept it or not, and then click “continue,” which is at the bottom right in the blue button.


Ledger Live updates are there to help with patching and protecting against vulnerabilities. Even if you have issues with upgrading to the version you want you can follow this simple guide on installing and reinstalling the version of Ledger Live required. This should get you sorted in no time.

